
What a year it’s been…

On the eve of 42… Goodbye Cheers to 41… a year of coping, grieving, and finding my path towards healing. I’m so thankful for the little family I love and to my friends for helping hold me up when I stumbled this year!! I’m so thankful to my core crew who encouraged me to find my peace and see the joy in rediscovering adventure 🩷🩵🩷

I’m so thankful to those who see the best in me even when I’m struggling.

I’m so thankful to the few I’ve grown close to this year and the safe place they offer me when I’m struggling and when I’m thriving.

I’m so thankful for so much!

Morning Soliloquy…

What a blessing to wake up here on the eve of my 42 birthday. What a blessing to hear the waves crash as I walk with my best friend. What a blessing to spend these days with the loves of my life. What a blessing to see the light.