
What a year it’s been…

On the eve of 42… Goodbye Cheers to 41… a year of coping, grieving, and finding my path towards healing. I’m so thankful for the little family I love and to my friends for helping hold me up when I stumbled this year!! I’m so thankful to my core crew who encouraged me to find my peace and see the joy in rediscovering adventure 🩷🩵🩷

I’m so thankful to those who see the best in me even when I’m struggling.

I’m so thankful to the few I’ve grown close to this year and the safe place they offer me when I’m struggling and when I’m thriving.

I’m so thankful for so much!

Morning Soliloquy…

What a blessing to wake up here on the eve of my 42 birthday. What a blessing to hear the waves crash as I walk with my best friend. What a blessing to spend these days with the loves of my life. What a blessing to see the light.

Shadows in the darkness…

Odd flashes of light that don’t make any sense.

When you think you’ve got the grief handled it rears its head after a week of happiness. It knocks you down when you feel like yourself. You can’t float because it has a way of taking the wind from your sails and the worst part is you can’t figure out why it comes like this.

I was told the best thing to do is sit with the grief. Feel it. Embrace it. I can tell you at 5 am just days before my 42 birthday I don’t want to feel it.. I want to shake it. I want to feel like I did on better days this week. I want the sunshine to come back. I want to drink coffee with people I love. I want to laugh. I want to feel the sparks of life. I want to feel like me.

I think in reality it never goes away. Grief is like a chronic illness we will live with the rest of our lives. Sometimes the pain subsides but the symptoms always come back.

I can tell you it’s shitty.

I guess maybe the grief is a reminder to really embrace the good stuff. A reminder to really hold on to the people who make you feel loved and safe. A reminder to sit down and listen to those stories, Really hear the words. Memorize the sound of their voice. Trace the shape of those faces into your mind as you listen to them talk.

None of this life is anything we get to keep forever… Embrace the little moments, hug a little longer. Let the sunshine days recharge your soul so you’re strong enough to weather the mornings you wake up with dread.

Write about things that you know….

And remember nostalgia has a way of making us paint over the ugly parts!!

Whisper your secrets carefully because someone is always listening.

Don’t forget to turn your location off because someone is always watching.

Old habits trained you to be a professional.

It’s all so intertwined in the tragic fabric of this reality.

What if….

What if those feelings never go away?

What if they do?

What if it’s better than you imagined?

What if it isn’t?

What if you’re a little bit in love with the idea?

What if you’re just a little bit in love for the rest of your life?

What if you never figure out these champagne problems?

What if you do?

What if it shatters you?

What if…..

The Sweetest Sadness In Your Eyes…

Every morning after we get the kids to school… after our walk is done we take a few minutes and cuddle quietly on the couch. We soak in the silence and just breathe and honestly it might be my favourite moment of my day. I know not everyone can understand the bond I share with Bandit. To some people she’s “just a dog” but to me she’s the soul who helped pick up my brokenness in my season of loss. 🩵🐾